clean washroom

Why Having a Clean Washroom Benefits Your Business

Have you ever been in a business, needed to go to the washroom, and discovered that although the business was clean, the bathroom was filthy? It probably changed your ideas about the business, and you may have decided not to patronize that business any longer. This is just one of the reasons why businesses need to have clean washrooms. Here are some other reasons your business might benefit from janitorial cleaning services.

The Positives of a Spotless Bathroom

There are many positives for a business having a clean bathroom done by janitorial services GTA beside customer appreciation. First, if your bathroom is cleaned by janitorial cleaning services, you are looking after your employees’ health. Both viruses and bacteria thrive in bathrooms because of the warmth in a bathroom, and the moisture available, can lead to disease. By keeping the bathrooms safe, you are keeping your employees’ health and safety in mind.

Think about it this way. If your bathroom is spotless and sparkling, customers will feel safe lingering in your business. The longer a customer stays in your business, the more likely they will spend money on goods or services–even if they came in to “look”. Often, the amount of time a customer spends in your building contributes to a larger sales. Clean bathrooms can result in more sales, and a larger bottom line for your business.

Also, when you have bathroom cleaning services in Toronto by professionals, you are decreasing the risk of accidents for your employees and your customers. How many times have you seen someone slip in a bathroom on a wet or dirty floor? By keeping your bathrooms cleaned, you are cutting down the risk of accidents.

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Janitorial cleaning services can also increase employee productivity, because employees like to work in a clean environment. Employees and customers want to come into a place of business with sparkling clean floors, and freshly sanitized surfaces. Although this has always been important, it’s even more important right now due to the coronavirus pandemic. You want your employees to come to work each day, and not have to take off due to illness. You will also want your customers to feel safe and secure that your business has taken safety precautions with regard to cleanliness. Whether your bathroom is bacteria and virus free, or you notice that your bathroom floors are clean, dry, and slip free, you’ll feel better about safety with a clean bathroom.

If you don’t have a janitorial cleaning service, you need to look for one that emphasizes superior cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. This is especially important during the pandemic, when disinfecting bathrooms is paramount to controlling the spread of the virus. The cleaner that your bathroom is, the more likely that clean bathroom will lead to more profits for your business. Contact Emerald Building Caretakers for more information on our cleaning services.


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