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Disinfecting vs Sanitizing in a post-COVID Environment

Disinfecting and sanitizing are often used interchangeably and while in a lot of ways they are similar, there are key differences to note when using either term. While in casual conversation, most people will know what you mean – killing off germs to ensure safety, but it helps to know the differences since there will a lot of times that this distinction is important in a post-COVID world, particularly when using janitorial services Burlington.


You might be inclined to think that simply using the term “cleaning” can apply to both disinfecting and sanitizing, but there is an important distinction. Cleaning would be along the lines of mopping a floor and washing your hands with water or soap, in most instances the bacteria are essentially taken off the surface rather than being killed.


Disinfecting kills virtually all germs on a surface and is often done for surfaces that people touch such as doorknobs and light switches. It’s also used for cleaning up biohazards or anything else that could be a threat to people. But what exactly is the difference between disinfecting vs sanitizing? It’s a margin of .1 percent. As stated above, disinfecting is meant to kill all germs because they are many instances where that small margin of error can be devastating.

It’s important to clean the surface before disinfecting in order to remove and dirt and debris, however. Commercial janitorial services Toronto can help your establishment stay safe. At EBC, we provide janitorial services that involve disinfecting high traffic areas so confide with the high standards of keeping everyone safe from COVID.

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Sanitizing kills 99.9 percent of germs which is a key difference between disinfecting. You are likely aware of hand sanitizer, which proudly displays killing 99.9 percent of harmful germs. If hand sanitizer were able to get rid of that .1% margin, then in a technical sense it could be called “hand disinfector”.

And as we mentioned above, cleaning before sanitizing is highly important, including when it comes to using hand sanitizer. No matter if you are killing germs from surfaces or your hands, using soap and water to remove any debris will help ensure that germs don’t become attached in an easier fashion as well as help your establishment’s aesthetic appeal.

How often should Surfaces be Cleaned, Sanitized, and Disinfected?

It’s important to kill germs on high-touch surfaces a daily basis such as tables, doorknobs, light switches, keyboards, and even objects that are frequently picked up such as your smartphone. You can do this via disinfectant wipes or sprays, but it’s also highly recommended to have a routine deep cleaning every 2 months in these times. That’s where Emerald Building Caretakers’ janitorial services GTA can help your commercial establishment get the proper cleaning it needs for a safe environment for all involved.


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